Donating to the Austin Intergroup

The 7th Tradition states that “Every S.L.A.A. Group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.” That means that only people who consider themselves members of SLAA can contribute. The only qualification for SLAA membership is a desire to stop living out a pattern of sex and love addiction.

Every single dollar of your donation to the Austin area SLAA Intergroup goes to directly benefit the program. There are no offices or employees, and everybody in the Intergroup volunteers their time as part of their 12th step work. Your donation is used for such things as hosting this website, paying for zoom subscriptions, spring and fall in-person events, and sending representatives to national SLAA events.

Use the button above, or open your Venmo app and donate to @AugustineFellowPhil who is the treasurer of the Austin area Intergroup.

Donating to Fellowship Wide Services

You can also donate to benefit national-level SLAA programs by going to the donation page for Fellowship Wide Services.